2024 Great Backyard Bird Count

 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count

We’ve been observing the changing winter residents at Goose Pond Sanctuary and Mark and Sue’s cabin in Rio (Wildland LLC) for 23 years. We can expect to find a few familiar faces each year; however, the numbers of those expected winter residents may change, and we also may get a few surprises.

Photo by Eric Begin

Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting

The Indigo Bunting, cerulean on its body and a brilliant indigo on its head, is one of my favorite birds to introduce to beginning birders. Their loud, colorful, and puts on a show during the spring and summer months when it calls Wisconsin home.

Photo by Jim Hudgins/USFWS Midwest

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

A cheery and rather remarkable looking bird, with an apparent stab wound at its throat (uneven looking red plumage) contrasting its formal looking white chest and black wings. It looks as though this bird attended a dinner party gone wrong.

Photo by Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

Eastern Towhee

Eastern Towhee

Thrashing on the ground, flipping up leaves, and generally sounding like an animal much bigger than it actually is, my first experience with an eastern towhee opened my eyes to the ground foragers and nesters of the woods. The Eastern Towhee strikes a brash attitude on the forest floor.

Photo via Pixabay.